green ecopesa inc
Ruvuma Tanzania
Call: +255 (0)736232385
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Green ecoshops inc
Ruvuma, Tanzania
Why NOW? Why Planet
The Crisis
Our People
Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity and Human activity is the main cause which costs 13 million people lives annually
More than 100 million informal local green doers such as waste collectors across Africa are marginalized and live in extreme
The Gap
Over 90 million local green doers are thriving to secure a livable future for all without credit-their valuable actions to secure the planet are difficult
Our Planet
Our livable future is destroyed at unprecedented rate which creates humanitarian crisis, cost lives for All including who contributes
to the Crisis
Our Green technology
Our Green algorithm
green Doers
Local Business
Local green doers-children and families, seeders, end plastic users, end-plastic sellers utilize our green mobile embedded warehouse to integrate their green data to secure our common future a livable future for All.
Join as local green doer
Join as Plastic end-user
Local green doers-children and families, end plastics users, end-plastic sellers minimize carbon footprint by listing their proven circular green operations which significantly reduced pollution and its impacts on environment
List Recyclable Wastes
List Plastic end-sellers
Fragmented Local green doers-vulnerable children and families, seeders, end plastic users, end-plastic suppliers all together gather circular green credits "Ecopesa" convertible into local currency to secure a livable future for All
Sell Recycled Products
Sell Green seedlings
Together, we secure a livable future for All