green ecopesa inc
Ruvuma Tanzania
Call: +255 (0)736232385
SMS +255 (0) 736 56
Green ecoshops inc
Ruvuma, Tanzania
A global climate crisis
NOW Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity today Human activity is the main cause
Every year 13 million people dies from climate change
In SSA 90million of local green doers around 98% are not supported financially to support their green operations
In Tanzania about 99% of them lack access to credit as they lack green datasets for approval
"Without financing local green doers the massive potential of the climate change anywhere remained untapped"
They cannot access credit to improve performance, sustainability and profitability of their operations
Formal financial institution can’t provide credits without accurate assessment of the formal green project’s financial viability.
As the result the planet is destroyed at unprecedented rate which can never be reversed by those who destroy it.